Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Welcome to Web Post Office(dba)

Web PO BOX platform

what we do !

What we sell/serve :
1.web PO Box(aka 'permanent Email ID' box) 4 all citizens & businesses,globally(
2.member's WebPage URL ,free
3.Smart-Autoresponder which works like Best Virtual Assistant 247,blocks Spams
4.Priority Email(aka 2way Email) which cures 'spam' and 'ignored' email.(
created a concept of E-Consultation Portal wherein one can Sell his/her INTELLECTUAL GOODS, so called "Get Paid per Email", "Email-on-Demand".
4A.Email Stamp(called 'Efostamp')
5.Homeland Security Passport in a Microchip (imbedabble under the skin) which contains 'fingerprint'+'retinaImage'+3DFaceImage'+voice ID detection , new style of Human ID, 100% fool-proof, instantly scannable on Dead/unconscious victims by Police/paramedics
6.Biometrical Log-in device/software
7.i-Life@(Instant Med Emerg Locator/murder scene locator)
8.Web Design/Development service
9.Intelligent Marketing(iMarketing,trademarked) service
10.Webinars 4 small business owners
11.One Email, One Debit Card/photo ID card/scannable Email ID Card
12.Homeless Email Service and ID service